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Mental health Wellbeing

Mentally sound

Mental health is a condition of mental wellness that helps people to manage life’s stressors, realise their potential, learn and work effectively, and give back to their communities. It is a crucial element of health and well-being that supports both our individual and group capacity to decide, form connections, and influence the world we live in. A core human right is access to mental health. Additionally, it is essential for socioeconomic, communal, and personal development.

The absence of mental diseases is only one aspect of mental wellness. It has variable degrees of difficulty and suffering, is experienced differently by each individual, and may have very different social and therapeutic implications.


Factors that affect mental health
Numerous individual, social, and structural factors may interact throughout our lives to support or undermine our mental health and cause a change in where we fall on the mental health continuum.

People may be more susceptible to mental health issues due to personal psychological and biological characteristics like emotional intelligence, substance use, and heredity.

People are more likely to develop mental health issues when they are exposed to adverse social, economic, geopolitical, and environmental conditions, such as poverty, violence, inequality, and environmental squalor.


Survival tips for first year as a international students Australia

Anyone who has recently relocated to Australia for academic purposes may find it difficult to adjust to university life. While adjusting to a new environment, place, and culture can be difficult. Your college years could be some of the best of your life, and they’ll undoubtedly fly by. To help you make the most of your first year, we provide our best advice.

Get active
A degree is not the only goal of attending college. Take advantage of the groups and events that your university offers, accept the new world you have entered, and try to enjoy being on campus in a new culture. By doing this, you’ll make sure that your memories of Australia go beyond the confines of lecture halls.

Set objectives and make a schedule.
It’s all up to you; there won’t be any teachers pursuing you for homework or making sure you show up to class. Although freedom is liberating, it also requires you to be accountable for completing your work. Enter all of your due dates and extracurricular activities using your calendar. Create modest goals for assignments to avoid having to stay up all night the day before they are due.

Ask for assistance when you need it.
There is help available if you need it, even though you are expected to take charge of your education. If you are having difficulties with the coursework, speak with your instructors and tutors.

Speak with your lecturer or tutor in advance if you anticipate missing a class or don’t think you’ll be able to complete an assignment by the due date.

Give yourself some time to relax
Most degrees take at least three years to complete, and if you don’t take breaks to refresh, it will seem even longer. Whether it’s a regular night out with friends or engaging in hobbies unrelated to school, make time in your calendar to unwind and enjoy life as a student.